The largest Clandestinemood Sporty Party 2023 in Barcelona by Nike. A location with history, secret and in the heart of Barcelona welcomed more than 100 women who put themselves in the hands of destiny and left their senses in trust with CLANDESTINEMOOD.

For this Sporty Party; all attendees put aside their heels and prior to the big day, with which they ‘felt their all’ all the time Inside Casa Rius, our live DJ @imaninakiii welcomed them as the star of the evening was introduced: Mireia Borras, our NIKE trainer, who started her session with some breathing exercises and continued with a workout with mini bands full body workout. To end the SPORTY part, PRANAROM went up to the stage with a few minutes of meditation and aromatherapy range among all the women, who stayed lying down and relaxed on their own yoga mats.
The party began with the opening of a secret room inside the venue, recreating a GOA ORGANICS secret beauty room at CASA RIUS and the opening of the terrace; Pizza Natura where gluten-free pizzas by Pizza Natura went directly into the hands of those present Estrella Damm, cocktails by REDBULL Organics were the finishing touch to representing THE PARTY and different experience corners that offered facial massages, live tattoos and even a flower shop!!!
There is no doubt that this was the first; but not the last one…
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