CLANDESTINEMOOD’s launch in Barcelona was held by NIKE at its NIKE STORE Paseo de Grácia.

So that the privileged members of our Clandestine Sporty Party would not realize where this madness was going to take place, all of them were blindfolded a few yards away.
Four rows of 10 women each alongside the famous Passeig de Grácia drew the attention of onlookers outside and inside the same store.
The attendees reached the top floor of the NIKE STORE where the curtains and a very “clandestine mood” prevented them from imagining that this CLM PARTY would be held in ‘a store itself’.
A hiit training by @mireiabebalance with the sound of the live beats of @naguiyami, offered everyone a unique and irreplaceable moment. As is well known, Clandestinemood is a private party and for this reason, and even more so in this case, everyone who bought their ticket received a total dress code by NIKE so that they had a FEEL YOUR ALL experience.
After the workout and cocktails, @hairbysergio ( GOA Organics // Bloss Barcelona ) complimented all attendees with express hairstyles and makeup with which to be stunned!
Shine shine shine all over the track! Glitter, organic products and 100% selfies.
The curtains finally opened, revealing something that nobody could believe: a CLANDESTINEMOOD long table candle lit DINNER was set up for the first time in history together with VICIO. An imperial table, classical top, and cellos in the background, were the starting signal for the VICIO waiters who delivered their faithful and classic menu: VICIO hamburgers and fries.
The 10-meter-high windows of the entire NIKE STORE became the best showcase for pedestrians on the street, who rested their hands and faces on them wondering: WTF is going on in there??
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